My Portfolio, Today
Hi i am Leian Jones, i run a blog called "History, Today" in which i cover history and how it affectedthe world around it. Prior to joining the Poudre Press i had very little writing experience centralized around a couple stories i had written for myself that looking back show i have improved as a writer immensly
Through my time here at the Poudre Press I think I refined my writing style greatly. I also developed skills for running a blog and website and I now have a greater understanding of all these aspects.
of all my articles the very first one I published as "History, Today" was about the reclaiming of Paris in World War II, I think this article best shows what history today is about by showing history on that exact date and as an event many wouldn't really know much of in a larger string of events people would understand that affects us as much as it does today.
The article which i am most proud of is of the French retreat from Russia. while it is not my best article it still fits into what History, Today is by showing history that lead to the events which make us today and being an event that not many will know much of yet still know about
While my articles in the class later on were a bit more scarce and I will be honest of that what I did put out was high quality work that showed my improvement as a writer. I think I deserve a B in this class, I could have used my time better and at some points did make many mistakes however what I did is still high quality and well written in my opinion. Thank you for your time